Configured Product Image

Build Your Bali Natural Drapes

{{ selection = model.getActiveOption(section.TypeId);"" }} {{ ::sectIndex = $index;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} Select a Room

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(9 characters max)

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{::section.TypeId == 'trt.swc.alt' ? 'Secondary ' : ''}}Product Color

learn more
Click to zoom, {{ selection.Caption }}

{{ selection.Properties.StyleName }} {{ selection.Properties.StyleName ? ' ' : '' }} {{ selection.Properties.Name }} {{ selection.Properties.Code }}

(add {{ selection.SalePrice | currency: 'C$' }})
(not available in this size)


{{ ::swatchOptions = (items | orderBy: ['SortOrder', 'Caption']);"" }}
{{ model.formatSwatchSnipeCopy(swatchboxOption.Properties['Snipe']) }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber($index) }} True Paint Match

{{ selection = selection || section.Options[0];"" }} {{ paintColorName = selection.Properties.Brand + ' ' + selection.Properties.ColorName;""}}
{{ selection.Caption }}

Your match is


or match to another paint color

Blindsgalore stands behind their True Paint Matchmaking skills. If you are not 100% satisfied with the color of the shade(s) you receive we will replace it with any other colored True Paint Matchmaker Shade. *

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{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{::section.TypeId == 'trt.swc.alt' ? 'Secondary ' : ''}}Product Color

learn more
Click to zoom, {{ selection.Caption }}

{{ selection.Properties.StyleName }} {{ selection.Properties.StyleName ? ' ' : '' }} {{ selection.Properties.Name }} {{ selection.Properties.Code }}

(add {{ selection.SalePrice | currency: 'C$' }})
(not available in this size)


{{ ::swatchOptions = (items | orderBy: ['SortOrder', 'Caption']);"" }}
{{ model.formatSwatchSnipeCopy(swatchboxOption.Properties['Snipe']) }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{::section.TypeName}}

{{ ::inputType = section.AllowMultiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';"" }} {{ ::inputName = !section.AllowMultiple ? (section.SafeTypeId + '_' + $index) : option.Id;"" }} {{ ::dataKey = section.AllowMultiple ? option.Properties.TypeId : section.TypeId;""}} {{ ::checkedVal = section.AllowMultiple ? true : option.Id;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{::section.TypeName}}

{{ ::inputType = section.AllowMultiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';"" }} {{ ::inputName = !section.AllowMultiple ? (section.SafeTypeId + '_' + $index) : option.Id;"" }} {{ ::dataKey = section.AllowMultiple ? option.Properties.TypeId : section.TypeId;""}} {{ ::checkedVal = section.AllowMultiple ? true : option.Id;"" }}
{{ ::accentColors = model.getDeepOptions(section.TypeId, 'trt.acc.clr');"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} Decorative Accent

{{ ::accentStyles = model.getDeepOptions(section.TypeId, 'trt.acc.stl');"" }}
{{ ::inputName = section.TypeId + '_' + $index;"" }}
{{ ::inputName = 'trt.acc.stl_' + $index;"" }} {{ ::hiddenAccTypeId = section.Options[0].Id;""}}
{{ ::accentSwatches = (accentColors | orderBy: 'SortOrder');"" }}
{{ model.formatSwatchSnipeCopy(swatchboxOption.Properties['Snipe']) }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{ ::section.Options.length > 1 ? 'Mount & Size' : 'Size' }}

{{ ::inputType = section.AllowMultiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';"" }} {{ ::inputName = section.AllowMultiple ? (section.SafeTypeId + '_' + $index) : option.Id;"" }} {{ ::dataKey = section.AllowMultiple ? (option.Properties.TypeId + '_' + option.Id) : section.TypeId;""}} {{ ::checkedVal = section.AllowMultiple ? true : option.Id;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} HeadrailSize

{{ ::inputType = section.AllowMultiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';"" }} {{ ::inputName = section.AllowMultiple ? (section.SafeTypeId + '_' + $index) : option.Id;"" }} {{ ::dataKey = section.AllowMultiple ? (option.Properties.TypeId + '_' + option.Id) : section.TypeId;""}} {{ ::checkedVal = section.AllowMultiple ? true : option.Id;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{::section.TypeName}}

To best configure your shutter, please tell us about your existing window.

{{ section.Options[0].Caption }}

FREE (not available in this size) +{{option.Price | currency: 'C$'}} +{{option.SalePrice | currency: 'C$'}} {{option.Price | currency: 'C$'}}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} Hem

{{ ::inputName = section.TypeId + '_' + $index;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} Pull

{{ ::inputName = section.TypeId + '_' + $index;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{::section.TypeName}}

{{ ::inputName = section.TypeId + '_' + $index;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} Heading

{{ ::inputName = section.TypeId + '_' + $index;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{section.TypeName}}

{{ ::inputType = section.AllowMultiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';"" }} {{ ::inputName = section.AllowMultiple ? (section.SafeTypeId + '_' + $index) : option.Id;"" }} {{ ::dataKey = section.AllowMultiple ? (option.Properties.TypeId + '_' + option.Id) : section.TypeId;""}} {{ ::checkedVal = section.AllowMultiple ? true : option.Id;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{::section.TypeName}}

{{ ::endOptions = (option.Options | filter: { TypeId: 'val.end'}:true);"" }} {{ ::inputName = section.TypeId + '_' + $index;"" }}

{{ ::model.sectionNumber2($index) }} {{section.TypeName}}

{{ ::inputType = section.AllowMultiple ? 'checkbox' : 'radio';"" }} {{ ::inputName = section.AllowMultiple ? (section.SafeTypeId + '_' + $index) : option.Id;"" }} {{ ::dataKey = section.AllowMultiple ? (option.Properties.TypeId + '_' + option.Id) : section.TypeId;""}} {{ ::checkedVal = section.AllowMultiple ? true : option.Id;"" }}
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Product Details

Bali Natural Drapes

  • When measuring, deduct 1" if natural drape will extend to the floor
  • Ideal for patio doors, wide windows, room dividers and closets
  • If a full drapery look is desired when the drape is closed, order with 60% fullness option; with Standard Fullness option, the drape will lie nearly flat when closed
  • Shade material is vertically oriented to feature the soft rolling qualities of drapery
  • Made from eco-friendly renewable materials like bamboo, jute and grasses
  • Lifetime Limited Warranty


  • Width 17" - 192"
  • Height 20" - 96"
  • Minimum inside-mount depth 4 1/2"
  • Minimum flush-mount depth 5"
  • Minimum outside-mount space 3"
  • Headrail depth and height 2" x 1"

Please note the following exceptions to the above specifications

Split Stack

  • Width 60" - 192"
  • Height 20" - 96"
  • Minimum inside-mount depth 4 1/2"
  • Minimum flush-mount depth 5"
  • Minimum outside-mount space 3"
  • Headrail depth and height 2" x 1"